Bonjourrra 'nareo
Great week. I baptized Revenaldo on Saturday and then we had a fat party at his neighbor’s house. Way good food and tons of friends, it was a good time. I had the younger kids teach me some Malagasy dances and that was a party haha. Sunday at church I had to introduce myself and bear my testimony which is never fun because everyone is on the edge of their seats waiting to see if you're good at Malagasy or not. In priesthood I translated for our deaf friend Jewls. It was way tough ha but I learned a ton of new words in his sign language. I actually surprised myself by how well I did. Jewls was pumped and gave me a big hug afterwards haha I love that guy! As far as teaching we didn't get much done. Tons of meetings and garbage. We actually picked up 4 new missionaries on Wednesday. They are all studs. Two of them graduated from high school in 2012. Are you freaking serious? I have been out here a while ha. One of them threw up twice on the way home from the airport haha. Poor guy. So all Wednesday we had orientation stuff and dinner and Thursday we had training for the trainers and the new elders. Oh and a fat lunch in President's apartment yum :) It was way fun to see the culture shock and drive them through town. It was also funny to hear their sarcasm and stupid jokes. It's crazy how quick we get humbled and have that garbage slapped out of us here. I can't believe how much I have grown up. But at the same time some people don't grow up haha. On Saturday morning we had a bunch of missionaries calling us and one was even crying all because of people spreading rumors about one missionary. Haha I was literally in awe. I thought my 21st birthday was coming up but I guess not. Apparently we're all still in Junior High and all mixed up in the drama and gossip. So we calmed some troubled elders and made it all better :) haha when it was all happening I was lit but now looking back it's pretty funny. Well that's about it. I'll send pictures tonight when we're at the office doing stats. Have a great week! Happy birthday Mom! I love you all.
Elder Barclay